December 21: it’s beginning to look a lot like fuck this

As you will discover, if you surf or scroll pretty much anything today, it is the winter solstice and the day to “ask yourself what you want to leave behind in the darkness” as well as what you want to bring to light.

Most of what you will read is esoteric and spiritual. Stories of people who hope to find peace and balance in the turn of the year (see yesterday’s blog).

But that was yesterday.

I’m not mocking a candlelit and meditative awakening (well, not totally), but my moment is more torchlit and shouting.

At 7:30 this morning on the second day of the two-week school holiday, I was treated to a melodic duet of “Shut Up, Stupid” (do you know that one?) between my 12 & 14-year-old children.

“Shut up, Stupid” along with its variations—”Shut up, Idiot” and the ever-popular, “I Hate You”—have been competing with “All I Want for Christmas is You” for air time around here.

On this solstice, I am leaving that shit behind.

No matter what restrictions and controls I put on the boy’s phone, he finds a way around them—he manipulates his contact list or figures out passwords. Last night, about 3 hours after his phone was supposed to be locked, I found him in bed chatting with friends. When I asked him to give it to me you would have thought I was pulling the heroin needle out of his arm mid-hit.

It was so traumatic he promptly passed out.

When he woke up, he asked for his phone back. I said no, he said, “I hate you,” his sister (who also lost her phone because, why not?) chimed in with, “Shut up, idiot” (because, why not?) and all has been quiet ever since.

They didn’t know it, but they wanted to leave their phones behind in the darkness.

Both kids made themselves breakfast. We talked about doing some last-minute Christmas shopping. They plan on walking the dog.

A bit later, they asked if they could have their phones back. I said to wait until after we go shopping. They said okay.

It’s beginning to look a lot like I like this.

Paula Diaz

I connect you to the words that connect you to yourself.

December 22: let's catch up


December 20: the cold went on forever