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Happy effin' Friday, y'all!

It’s been a long time since I earned a Friday. I haven’t worked a 5-day week in years. No one in this house has practiced a 5-day anything since March—the husband’s been working from home, the kids have been “learning” remotely. My usual summer gig kind of tried to happen, but didn’t really. I worked a few days, then I didn’t work, then they stopped asking me to work, and we just kind of stopped seeing each other, and next thing I knew, our status had changed. But no worries, I have a backup.

The kids started summer camp this week & the husband started back to the office. No one was gone more than a few days this week, but everyone was gone on Thursday. Yesterday was the first day since mid-March in which I was home alone. It was like having an orgasm dipped in chocolate while sipping a glass of champagne on my way to a shopping spree with someone else’s credit card.

Shut up, yes, it was.
No, I’m not exaggerating.
Whatevs, loser, just let me have it.

It doesn’t matter that I started (yes, started) my taxes yesterday and didn’t eat all day and I ended the day with a 2-hour Zoom meeting. Yesterday was the jewel in the week of a time formerly known as normal. We got back to routine. We did shit.

In the ante-corona, Friday afternoons were dedicated to plugging in—the kids got unlimited electronics and the adults opened a bottle of wine. After a long week of school and work, we all got to partake in what helped us unwind and be us. 

Today is the first Friday in a while where I feel like me. I did yoga and went for a run. I walked the dog and almost broke him—I have way more stamina than that dog. I did a little shopping and then picked up the kids. My husband is making dinner, and I am writing (that’s normal). Alexa is playing a 70s mix because, even though I am a child of the 80s, it’s 70s rock that feels like home. The boy is on the Xbox and the girl is shut in her 13-year-old room doing 13-year old things that I don’t want to know about. 

Tonight, I’m gonna finish a bottle of Costco margarita and Elvin Bishop is gonna fool around and fall in love. And I might, too.