Saturday, May 29: quicksilver
“With Mercury turning retrograde in Gemini, it’s an opportunity for us to pause, sit back, and reflect on how we are choosing to communicate, and what we are communicating to others and to the Universe.”
Mercury, just like me, is going backwards. And “quicksilver” is, coincidentally, the real theme of May 29 according to The Secret Language of Birthdays. While every May 29 is quicksilver, not every May 29 is quicksilver in Mercury retrograde.
Mercury and Gemini are all about communication—Mercury is the messenger god who brings our words to the gods. But when Mercury is in retrograde, it is time to listen. This retrograde lasts until June 22—that’s a lot of listening.
Does that mean I am off the hook for this blog—can’t write now, listening? I don’t think it works that way. Writing is really listening—that is why it’s so scary.
As I wrap up my May Days project and start looking toward June (even though it is June and I am really looking backwards toward May), what am I saying that I really need to hear?