Retrograde for the win!

It is so Mercury retrograde that not only is the cosmos sending Mercury backward but time as well. It isn’t actually Monday, January 24, it is Wednesday, January 19, and this blog is going up just in time.

Retrograde, an illusion of orbits and rotations and distance, sends a needed message: we can go back.

While I have been railing against going back for a while, in January 2022, Mercury in retrograde says it’s okay to try again—to return, revise, retreat, reflect, and relax.

Is it kind of concerning that right now, in the early weeks of 2022, I have so much to reconsider?

English has over 4,000 (Scrabble-valid) words that start with re-. And I can add the prefix re- to any word—even if it doesn’t make sense. Looking around my office, I can re-coffee, re-card, re-candle, or re-tree. I like another chance.

But retrograding up that shit by sticking a re- at the start of whatever needs revisiting in January seems a bit cheap—like using the same start word in Wordle every day. It’s not that I don’t want it (whatever it is) to be easy, but I want it to be more…inventive, creative.

In Mercury retrograde, I am rereading 2022. Re-re-ading it back together. The year itself is on repeat: 2 (re-pair) and 2 (re-align) and 2 (re-member).

Looking for an opportunity to revisit (or just visit) your intentions for 2022? Join me this Sunday, January 30 at 3pm, for a workshop to embody, not just imagine, 2022. Make it real.

Paula Diaz

I connect you to the words that connect you to yourself.

2/22: Two, to, too


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